Archives for category: Data + Graphics

Last week, Alastair Dant, lead interactive technologist at The Guardian, came to Hacks/Hackers NYC to show how his team produces its informative and award-winning interactive graphics.

It’s a wide-ranging talk about what’s new and inspiring about news technology, and how each team member’s unique skills contribute to the whole.

Well worth watching. And if you want to deeply nerd out with The Guardian, check out their Developer Blog.

The projects mentioned in Alastair’s talk:

Alastair’s team is Martin Shuttleworth, Mariana Santos, Jonathan Richards and Alex Graul.

I’ve started writing a few how-tos for The first piece is a step-by-step illustrated tutorial on how to make an interactive heat map with Google Fusion Tables, like the one below.

If you’d like to see other tutorials, let me know what you’re looking for.