Cute kitten by Brett Jordan on Flickr
No, no. It’s not entirely about cuteness. Though it does help.

Upworthy shares its great advice below.

Adorable kitten photo via Brett Jordan/Flickr

NYC Ruby WomenA few years ago, I founded a code and social meetup for female Ruby developers called NYC Ruby Women. It’s been great to see a whole spectrum of Rubyists — from highly experienced pros to novice coders, all of whom are women — get something from the group.

As Ruby Women learn more, they want to go from learning the language and working on personal projects to working on teams and bigger projects. In other words, they’re looking for apprenticeships.

I know they’re out there somewhere. So friends, readers, do you know of any? NYC is preferred, but it’s good to know about opportunities in other cities too. (Direct hires only, no recruiters, please.)

There’s a Branch, which I’ve embedded below (a perfect excuse to test Branch’s group feature, which is currently in beta), or you can post a comment. If you’d rather contact me privately, write me here.