SXSW Accelerator 2013 logoWant to send your startup to SXSW Interactive (March 11-15, 2013)?

Apply to the 2013 SXSW Accelerator, an opportunity to showcase your emerging technology product or service in front of industry leaders.

The event takes place March 11 and 12 as a part of SXSW Interactive. If chosen for Accelerator, you can improve your product launch, attract venture capitalists, polish your elevator pitch, receive media exposure, build brand awareness and network. And you’ll get two comped registrations to SXSW Interactive.

The deadline to register is Friday, Nov. 9, so get details and enter as soon as you can.

I’ve joined the SXSW Accelerator board this year, so let me know once you’ve applied — and if you have any questions before the deadline, first check the Accelerator FAQ.

If the FAQ doesn’t answer your questions, post a comment or send an email and I’ll do my best to get you an answer or direct you to someone who can.

The data team at WNYC has one for you. The data team is led by John Keefe, who in three short years went from being the public radio website’s code-curious news director to full-on news developer.