The graphics desk at The New York Times gets high praise amongst journalists and visual information specialists for their clear, clean and often creative graphics that explain and enhance news.

Among the team is the group’s resident statistician, Amanda Cox, who’s been hailed as the “queen of infographics” and has been responsible for some of the high concept pieces published by NYT.

Any time you can hear Amanda speak or learn from her, you should. At the Eyeo Festival in June, she looked at the evolution of data graphics, particularly within the history of the Times graphics department.

Want to learn more? Kevin Quealy, Amanda’s coworker, posts fantastic explanations of how she and other members of the graphics desk do some of its work. Follow along on Charts’n’Things.

The Livingston Awards for Young Journalists announced its nominees yesterday.

The annual prizes recognize outstanding reporting by journalists under 35. Winners of the $10,000 prizes for local, national and international reporting will be announced June 6.

Sadly, the official announcement doesn’t include links to the entries so I’m collecting them here. I’ve started digging, but this seems like a relatively “quiet” award (unlike The Pulitzer Prizes, which get a ton of coverage).

You can help me by sending a link to the entry plus some verification (a press release or story from the outlet, for example). This year’s goal is to improve upon the list I made for the 2009 awards. Thanks for your help.

Finalists for the 2011 Livingston Awards prize