Want to be recognized for the online news you’ve reported, no matter your outlet’s size or affiliation? Then be sure to submit your work to Online News Association’s Online Journalism Awards competition. Deadline is Tuesday, June 30, so best send this in today. Update: The deadline’s been extended to July 8, so send your entries in, stat.

There are several categories you can enter; four get a share of $30,000 in total prize money:

Read the full contest rules and additional pointers, then get cracking. And good luck! Winners will be announced Oct. 3, during the Online News Association conference in San Francisco.

Nominees for the Livingston Awards for Young Journalists were announced today. The annual prizes recognize reporting by reporters under 35.

This year’s list is pretty big. Unfortunately, the website didn’t include links to the entries, so I spent my evening digging around.

After all, one of the best ways to learn any craft is to study what others do.

Winners of the $10,000 prizes for local, national and international reporting will be announced June 3, 2009.

If you find better links to content that should be included on this list, leave a comment and I’ll update the list.