Archives for category: Tips & Tools

Mobile is the next big thing for news organizations, but not everyone has the time or manpower needed to create a site that looks good and works on all, or at least most, phones.

Google to the rescue.

DownloadSquad points out that anyone with an RSS feed can create a link for Google Reader’s mobile site by adding the feed URL to the prefix:

For example,
will create a live RSS link that goes straight go GReader. Try it here.

Its not foolproof, but it does appear to work for Feedburner URLs.

A similar workaround may be available for Yahoo!Go, Yahoo’s mobile application, but I haven’t found one yet. Hints or pointers would be appreciated.

According to Tony MacDowell at the recently launched site, they’re a platform-agnostic programs that “leverage the best of the Web, without sacrificing the power of the desktop.”

O’Reilly, the longtime publisher of geek manuals featuring public domain animal art, is building a community of developers interested in creating Web tools to engage and entertain the user.

If you’re developing with Ajax, Air, Flashlight and Silverlight, or if you’re just curious, this may be a good pool to splash around in. InsideRIA launched Jan. 15 and doesn’t have much happening yet, so it’s the perfect opportunity to get a seat at the table and start some discussions.