Archives for posts with tag: Video

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists hosted a multimedia workshop at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism earlier today.

It’s one of the newest schools in the country, built within the walls of the former New York Herald Tribune, and running since fall 2006.

Not many people have been there yet, so here’s a look around the lobby.

A photo montage on one of the walls had a quote that seems especially appropriate, given the speed at which news flows online. Click it to see more pictures from inside the school.

CUNY announced Friday that it will offer continuing education classes to its alumni for a small fee.

Constant learning is always a good thing, and given the facility, its equipment and its instructors, dedicated alumni are likely to seize the opportunity.

Yes, I realize this was first posted last Friday. And yes, I realize the story is about the demise of pubs where journalists would congregate to talk to sources and each other. But it’s a good piece (though the London segment was lame) and it’s the weekend.

While the video focuses on the longtime hangouts that have had to close due to a loss of patronage, I wonder where journalists are going now to congregate and unwind? Post your favorite bar and news organization affiliation in comments or send me an email — I feel a mapping opportunity coming on.

Meanwhile, here’s “Journalism Watering Holes Disappearing” from MarketWatch.