Archives for posts with tag: live stream

Let’s say you don’t want to surf from website to website to watch the Obama inauguration on Jan. 20. What do you do? Create a widget page, of course.

Hulu has an embeddable a live stream of the Fox News broadcast, with a handy countdown:

Though it’s not up yet, MSNBC will also have an embeddable player on their site.

The Washington Post a mapped content mashup in TimeSpace: Inauguration:

Twitter messages tagged #inaug09 float by on NPR’s Inauguration Report widget, released earlier today:

Flickr has an official slideshow (mentioned previously). Photobucket has one too:

And several widget-making sites allow you to roll your own, pulling RSS feeds from multiple sources. Thingfo has put one together and included their list of RSS sources:

Do you know of others? Share them in comments.

(Photo: acnatta/Flickr / CC BY 2.0)

One of the most common questions on the Web right now (at least among people in the U.S.), is “Where can I watch the presidential inauguration online?”

Not only will a live stream be on the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies site on Jan. 20, just about every media outlet is planning to air live video of the swearing-in and inaugural address, scheduled for noon E.T., and some are scheduled to begin as early as 8 a.m. ET

Among those with plans:

Got an iPhone or iPod Touch? UStream and Joost offer livestream apps. To get the UStream app, which will include chat capability, email The Joost app is on iTunes now. For desktop viewing, go to the Everything Obama channel.

And as this election was the most socially networked in history, it only makes sense that the inauguration will be too.

Log in on Flickr and grab their photoedited slideshow to put it on your site, like so:

What plans does your outlet have for online coverage? Add a link in comments.

Photo: Courtesy of Pete Souza